LMDS Manuals

Dance is…
A guide to the basic foundations of dance and how to create progressive sequential learning pathways.
This extensive, easy to use guide explains and supports a comprehensive and flexible dance training system which has been in practice for decades – THE LAUREL MARTYN DANCE TEACHING SYSTEM (LMDTS)
Suitable for dance teachers and general movement practitioners alike, this is a guide to the basic foundations of dance and how to create progressive learning pathways for an effective Preparatory Program. Set out in four parts – Movement, Space, Time and Quality, each one discussed and explained in relation to teaching dance, with example exercises and class plans.

Let Them Dance!
Laurel Martyn
A preparation for dance and life ‐ The Laurel Martyn Dance System Preparatory Program
This program prepares the student’s mind and body over approximately four years for the introduction of specific dance and other movement techniques. The progressions described show how the art of dance develops from the basics of movement, combined and interwoven with time, weight, space and flow in all their aspects.
Let Them Dance explains the Preparatory Dance Program of ten progressions which prepares the student’s mind and body for the further study of the exacting art of selected dance styles or other movement disciplines.

Help Them Dance!
Laurel Martyn
A comprehensive ‘must-have’ reference for all studio teachers of classical dance
A practical teaching manual for Classical Technique which can be used alone or in support of any system of classic training. This volume follows the foundation set in Let Them Dance.
Help Them Dance continues the development of movements through a carefully graded program from the basics of ballet exercises and steps to the difficult complication of professional standard classical ballet.
Laurel Martyn brings to this book her sensitivity as an artist and the wisdom of many years of teaching. Perhaps most importantly the content reveals her understanding that the partnership between teaching and learning in an ever evolving process. Laurel Martyn rightly puts her emphasis on the early years of dance experience, emphasising a broad approach to ways of thinking about and experiencing dance that ensures enjoyment while providing a firm foundation on which to build
Hilary Crampton on Let Them Dance
LMDS Standards
Companion volume to the teaching manual DANCE is…..
Comprehensive benchmarking for LMDS Preparatory Program – a guide to progressive sequetial learning pathways for the basic foundations of dance

Companian volume to the teaching manual HELP THEM DANCE
Comprehensive bencmarking for the LMDS Senior Program – a guide to progressive sequential learning pathways for classical dance technique

Example Classes
Created by Laurel Martyn OBE
Accompanying music available

Theory Booklets

11 COMMANDMENTS for Dance Teachers
Written by Laurel Martyn OBE

Assessment Class Guidelines
Assistance for teachers planning assessments and presentations